Saturday 13 August 2016

Niger Delta Revolusionary Crusaders

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The Niger Delta Revolutionary Crusaders is a non-governmental organization, consisting of young, vibrant, inelegant and well exposed Ijaw and Niger Delta youths. That have decided to come together to support the course and legacy that our distinguish and beloved fathers stood for,
the likes of Late Major Isaac Jasper Adaka Boro, Ken Saro Wiwa and other well-meaning sons and daughters of Niger Delta.

We are young, vibrant and intelligent youth that have decided to fight against tyranny in any form be-it from our leaders in the region or the Nigerian Nation and all terror organization. We are a group of young believers and courageous Ijaw youths that have decided not to sell their conscience and the future of Niger Delta for a Mess of portage.
Mr. Dante Alighier once said; “That the hottest place in hell is reserved for those who maintain their neutrality at a time of moral standing”, to add to this it was Prof. Wole Soyinka, the distinguish Nobel Laurette that said; “The man died in him, who remain silent in the face of tyranny”.
We have no doubt in our mind that this is the time to speak out and stand for the; Truth, Dignity and Pride as a people, just because we are not only in a time of great moral Crisis in our beloved Father land, but we are also facing Persecution, Intimidation, Slavery, Degradation, Hunger, Poverty, Insecurity and the Islamization Plot by Tyrants. The all indices are there for everyone and the world to see, for example the pathetic situation of the Niger Delta since the discovery of Oil in commercial quantity in 1957 in Oloibiri in Bayelsa State of Nigeria.
The incessant killing of Christian because of their faith, the lobe sided appointment by Mr. President, by allotting all the sensitive and important appointment to the; Northerners, Muslims, The Police Commission, The Army, Defence, Chief of Staff, INEC Chairman, Education Board, Petroleum Sector are all occupied by Muslims.

The threat by the Boko Haram to deprive us of our Region, to freely serve the Almighty God, that is why we stood up fearlessly, dammed the consequences to confront tyranny in the 21st  Century.

Let it be known and told that we are not cowards, because real essence is lost, if your Pride and Dignity as a man is diminished, when you stop to speak and confront tyranny in this 21st  century, that is why we the Niger Delta Revolutionary Crusaders, decided to come together to confront and stop this evil because we believe God, we believe in Justice, we believe in an Egalitarian Society were everyone is allowed without Fear, Molestation to serve the Almighty God, and were Justice and Equity Prevails, Were there will be no; Hunger, Poverty, Freedom Of Speech, Freedom of Association, Were every Tribe, or Region will be allowed to grow on his own Pace, as anything short of this above will not be accepted by the; Niger Delta Revolutionary Crusaders.
If our fore fathers, (The Crusaders), had not championed the course of the Holy War, and bravely confronted the enemy that threaten the propagation of the gospel, the cordial existence between Christian, the preaching of the Gospel and also protect the name of the Almighty God from defamation, in the middle ages and battled against the Islamic nation to preserve the holy land, , we could never have this privilege to be called Christians or to be blessed by the word of God through the same faith and even preach about it.
Christians should also be reminded that in the holy scriptures king David was a Shepard boy appointed by God as a man after his own hearth, but he was also compelled to fight against the philistines, because they threatened the survival of the children of God and insolence to his commandments (The Gospel).
David even as a boy, stood up fearlessly to exhibit is courage when his faith and God almighty was being challenged by a heathen Nation, (1Sam. 17;41-51). This Nations are well equipped with a giant like Goliath that put among the enemies of Israel, but this Shepard boy David stood up to confront evil against God almighty.
What is your notion of a believer, a Christians faithful, an Evangelist and a Pastor or a Reverend or Prophet as the case may be. Do you think it is justifiable that parading as a pious man, dressed in fine suit, richly apparels in flashy cars or escorted by security agents with the whole world at you beck and call, or does it sufficed to say that you are surrounded by your mansions and well decorated alter from where you are seen as demi-god high above your congregation to be seeing and feared as a mysterious and powerful man of God, having all the resources that money can buy as acquire fleets of cars to fly around the world? Or having a sober reflection of the fact that Christians in other climes or within your neighborhood are being persecuted violently or executed on daily basis for the measure of faith that you profess.
For example, in Syria upon every five minute a faithful Christian is being Be-Headed, also in Egypt slaughter houses are built to Butcher faithful Christians like you, just to please their ambitious fanatical religious beliefs or in a bit to foster the spread of the Gospel. And am sure you are not ignorant or naïve to the recent ominous outcries in our country Nigeria, where innocent, Harmless and law abiding patriotic citizens of Nigeria are being ambushed by the Islamic Sect and their lives snuffed out of them.
It will also interest you to note that your brethren who have vowed to spread this Gospel or remain faithful to the teachings and commandments of our lord Jesus Christ, and in obedient to this commission which commands; Go ye and preach to every person, every Nation and to the end of the Earth, (Mat. 28;19-20). Unfortunately, this consistence believer who labored for the lord never lived to see the fruits of their vine yard, why because their habitation and worship centers were burned down by these Irate Anti-Christian groups from the North.
Now, the pertinent question is; will you as a faithful servant of God allow yourself and members of your family, congregation to be lawless and inhumanly obliterated from the face of this Earth before your time is done due to fear and cowardice.
Not forgotten even our Lord Jesus Christ the savior of mankind and the founder of our faith withdrew himself from the crowd when the Pharisees tried to incite the public to stone him because he has to stay alive to fulfill his mission on Earth.
If our Lord Jesus Christ the son of the Most High God with an awesome power to kill and deliver could attempt to withdraw himself from public humiliation and death, what stops any mortal Christian from preventing his death which automatically put an end to propagation of the Gospel which is commanded by Christ.
For our elders say; it is only a tree that can laboriously tap nutrient from the soil to aid its growth in other to provide food and shelter for man, yet could also wait patiently for many years only to be hewn him down by the same man without any form of protest.
Therefore, it won’t be unrighteous or out of place for any reasonable Christian to attempt or protect his survival in other to continue with the commission that is laden upon his shoulders by the Lord Jesus Christ to peach the good news or establish the Gospel to the unbelievers.

So Christians should rise up and stand against evil as the Gospel and Christendom is being threatened now.

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