Monday 14 November 2016

Unkown militant group treating to shut down Agip in Ogba Egbema Ndoni L.G.A

we all now that The most important way of ensuring sustainable growth is through infrastructure. So, as a short time measure, the Federal Government should think of measure  to re-mobilize all oil companies to quite  this area listed. Ogba Egbema Ndoni L.G.A Zip Codes

District: Ndoni

Adiai – Obiofu 510104
Agwe 510104
Amuajie 510104
Ase – Imonita 510104
Ase-Azaga 510104
Isara 510104
Isiukwa 510104
Ndoni 510104
Oboaso 510104
Odugili 510104
Ogbeogene 510104
Ogu 510104
Oniku 510104
Owajinobia 510104
Ugbaja 510104
Umuigwe 510104
Umuorieke 510104
Utu 510104

 The government and the oil companies that make the  marked departure from those amorphous programmes that do good to the pockets of individuals rather than help the region. we the youths of this communities have being neglected for so long we want to stand up for  justice to defend how right as a free born in how fathers land

 NOTE ; we the unknown youth  of  the region  will like to inform all oil companies to shout down and live the region. we will attack all oil fields and point  at unkown time and hour. we want to use this medium to inform all communities representatives to now that all contract giving to them by this companies is now invoke .

Niger Delta Region: According to John Vidal (The Observer of May 20, 2010), what comes to mind when you mention the “Niger Delta Region” in relation to any issue today, is “that Petroleum-rich region that has been at the centre of National and International controversy over issues of pollution, corruption and human rights violation.” Whereas we all know the Niger Delta to be a geographical location, the region is now more popularly defined by oil production, deprivation, violence, environmental pollution and lack of development and poverty rather than history and cartography to include the states of Akwa Ibom, Edo, Imo, Abia, Bayelsa, Delta, Rivers, Cross River, Anambra and Ondo. With the recent discovery of oil, Lagos State is on its way to being a Niger Delta State.

Causes of Youth Restiveness and Militancy In the Niger Delta

The Niger Delta is Nigeria’s goose that lays the golden egg. While its egg is cherished and feasted upon, almost solely, to give and to sustain the life of the Nation, the goose itself is left unfed, malnourished and abandoned.

Years of oil exploration and pollution have totally destroyed the environment and can hardly sustain the means of livelihood of the people of the area whose main sources of subsistence is farming and fishing. The Niger Delta has given its all to the nation without any corresponding recompense in return. There is the total death of basic infrastructure and social amenities such as roads, schools, electricity, pipe borne water and hospitals. The people’s sources of drinking water are polluted by constant oil spillages, their farm lands have been destroyed and rendered unfit for agricultural purposes. Even the air they breathe is unsafe due to gas flaring and the emission of carbon monoxide and other noxious substances that are daily released into the air due to oil and gas exploration activities. Coupled with these is the lack of job opportunities for employable and active youths from the area. The Niger Delta region and its inhabitants are therefore bombarded from the air, land and water. The region is said to be one of the most underdeveloped and poor oil producing regions in the world.

While the Human Development Index of the Niger Delta, according to a 2013 United Nations Development Programme report, is put at 0.433, other oil producing communities like Gabon, Libya and Malaysia stood at 0.668, 0.791 and 0.791 respectively. Even access to youth literacy in the Niger Delta is lower than that of non-oil producing communities within the Nigerian nation. Take for example the figure of 87.9 percent for the Niger Delta and 94.7 for the South West. The Niger Delta also has the highest rate of unemployment when compared to all the other regions in Nigeria. While the unemployment level of the region is put at 9.5 percent no other region, except the South–East has a figure that is as high as 6.6 percent.

While the region festers in squalor and decay, resources from its bosom have been used over the years to build and develop two world-class national capital cities. This disparity in development between non-oil producing areas and the oil producing region, was one of the reasons that led to the agitation for resources control. If the Federal Government cannot develop the region, then the people should at least be given the right to harness these resources for the development of their region and at worst pay royalties to the Federal government.

Despite decades of protestation and even appeals to the Federal, State Governments, oil corporations, and the international community, the core issues of the region remained largely unattended to. Ken Saro-Wiwa, a Niger Delta environmental rights activist was murdered in the course of peaceful agitation for the environmental clean-up of the region by the Abacha regime. Violence they say begets violence, and as the saying goes, those who make peaceful change impossible make violent change possible.

The people were not only denied the right to development, either from the centre or through resource control, they were increasingly denied the right to life and existence, as the environment from which they could eke out a living became rendered unfit for any such activity and the Federal Government wasn’t ready to do anything serious to address the situation.

There is no violation of human right than can be more than the violation of the right to existence. It is this abiding condition that gave rise to what is called the Niger Delta problem. The recurring rounds of violence that continues to hold the nation by the jugular is therefore a manifestation of the deep rooted frustration of negligence on the part of government and multi-national companies over the plight of the region.


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